okay so my son is 8 weeks & he’s been breastfeeding this whole time(with exception to the first day being supplemented because my milk wasn’t in). i stopped postpartum bleeding around 3 weeks ago. this morning i had a little blood in my underwear, but when i wiped hardly any came off so i figured it was just a fluke spotting. then, i went to the gym for the first time & while i was there i had an insane amount of blood come out & have been consistently bleeding through pads & my pants since i got home. is this normal?
6.2 лет

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If your having blurry vision it has got to be something else. I would see a doctor

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If your having blurry vision it has got to be something else. I would see a doctor

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@beemommyof3, some clots but mainly just blood. what i mean by heavy is bleeding through an overnight pad in under 2 hours three times a day. & now i have horrible, blurry headaches

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Yes mine was heavy. It has only been 2 months and your body is re regulating back to normal. Are you passing clots or blood only and what is heavy. Are you filling more then one pad completely in an hour

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@beemommyof3, did yours come on super strong when you first got it? i mean, i normally have a super light period for 3-4 days & i haven’t stopped bleeding for a second since the gym. & it’s a really really heavy flow.

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I really think it depends on the person. I didnt have one at all until i started pumping. Now it have been 4 months and nothing

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@beemommyof3, yeah, while in the hospital when he was born

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You said you supplemented. I pumped and got mine. It depends on the person.

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@beemommyof3, i thought you won’t get your period until months after?

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Yes. It most likely is your period

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