@roguemommyofjx3, I’m gonna but a couple of the cheap Walmart ones and one expensive one. I wanna make sure the line is a little darker before I test on an expensive one.
@roguemommyofjx3, my period has been off the last two months but according to my app I was supposed to start my period yesterday. So I’m guessing it’s just early and hopefully it will be darker in a few days.
09.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bailey.sandoval yes. I took mine starting at 7 days past ovulation and started getting a light line at day 9. 2 days before my period was due mine looked like yours and then I took a digital the day before my period was due and it was positive.
I have been testing for the last week and haven’t gotten any kind of a line! Yesterday (second pic) was the first time I seen any type of line, not sure it is real!