My stepdad is annoying. Like he favors my son over my nephew and that's all good or whatever but it's like he's mean to my nephew and I don't like it. Like a 4 year old doesn't know when you're being sarcastic saying "try me" "or hit him again" like he's thinking you're meaning exactly what you're saying. He's so childish. Which my nephew is mean to my son and does need his butt whooped 99 percent of the time but it's not his place to even touch him it's my sisters or my moms place. He's not no way even related to my nephew just by my mom. Idk it's just annoying. I guess he's pissed at my sis husband so he doesn't like the kid idk lol. Then my nephew does do things to retaliate lmao. Like he will push your buttons and do what you tell him not to do. Smh and it makes my stepdad that much more angry lol.
6.1 лет

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