Ben up since 1 something (it's 6 now) with my LO. He hasn't been able to sleep and we've even taken him for a drive. He slept for only maybe 20 minutes while at the store.
We think he has colic. I hope he gets better soon <3
And yes that is a girls paci. The store didn't have any others and it seems to be the only paci type he likes.
Don't like it, deal with it :)
Getting through all this with my junk food stash to keep me awake
@zachattackmomma he's both. I have him forula last night with aanto colic bottle and I gave him some gripe water which seemed to help after a while. I put him on my chest and could hear small burps come up. Then I lashed him next to me angled up with the paci and massaged his head, he fell asleep
Awwww poor buddy, if he’s formula fed, maybe he could try a different a kind? My son has a dairy allergy and he was breastfed, so I had to cut all dairy out of my diet since it was getting transferred to him 😭 my son also liked skin to skin and when i would breathe nice and slow so he could hear... that helped calm him down and settle him to sleep some times. I hope you find your answers and sleep soon. You got this momma! Keep up the good work!!