My DD started sleeping alone in her own room at 6 weeks. By 7 weeks she is mostly sleeping through the night only to wake at 3 and 5 for feedings. Now she is 12 weeks and sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am every single night. I have an excellent camera system and can see her in perfect detail. We have trouble with naps if I want to set her down but nights are never a problem.
Bragging? No. Curious as to what you think and how you did it? Yes.
For me it feels like an accomplishment with my daughter lol😁
Even tho I wanted to co-sleep with her as a baby, I didn’t want her to get used to only me putting her to bed carrying her,etc.
But at 4 weeks she slept alone on her bed(in my room) from 8pm-5am and as she got bigger she just kept sleeping in longer and longer through the nights.
Now at 1yr 8months, she’s a heavy sleeper! She doesn’t have a “set time” to sleep, but she knows when the lights are off it’s bedtime. But it’s usually around 9-930ish and doesn’t wake up until 8:30-9:30 the next morning, so this momma gets to sleep in 🙌 lol
She naps 1 time a day for 2-3hrs or she can do 2 naps a day for about an hour each.