Jacqueline Ahrens
Jacqueline Ahrens
Hi ladies.. I hope everyone is hanging in there. I'm 7 weeks pregnant.. feel sick off and on.. afternoon's towards the evening night are the worse and even when I wake up I still feel sick. Sleeoing is hard for me.. i can seem to find a position where I feel comfortable from the moment to the next I'll feel.. tired, nauseous, lazy, weak, irritable.. tons of emotions all at once.. edgy.. no patience.. does anyone else feel that way..i have a 2year old Daughter.. its tough.. :/ with no energy.. does anyone know of energy supplements that are safe for us pregnant girls. I currently take 2 prenatals but I don't feel anything.

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Thanks missy.. i will definitely try to pick both up tomorrow when i go to target.
07.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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