Does anybody have any suggestions for any financial help someone told me something about a go fund me page but I don't know much about the internet my 10 month old son had open heart surgery and my husband and I have maxed out our credit cards trying to keep up with the bills and I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas on what I can do

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Sadly to say it's been years since I've used the internet so I don't really know how to set up a Facebook account I think I had one set up when it like first came out LOL but I never did anything with it
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I definitely suggest making a page on your Facebook about your son and situation share your story of what your going through and create the go fund me and share that on your sons page , you can create the page instead of a whole new account it’s sweet. That way you can make it world wide and post updates on there . If your trying to not go public then I don’t have any ideas I’m sorry I hope you get blessed soon sending prayers!
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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