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Any body have issues with baby daddy after baby was born? Seems like one day hubby is all sweet and helpful taking over being Mr. Mom, then the next he totally flips the script and acts like bringing me a burp rag is asking for him to bring world peace. Baby girl was 12 weeks yesterday, I am so exhausted and lonely. Literally the only time I have left the house is Drs appointments or grocery shopping. Also, any advice to get back to being me would be much appreciated 😌

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This august will be 15 years we have been together, and we been through some of the deepest shit most people never see the other end of, natural disasters, family drama, couch surfing with family and some friends, trifling whores, gaming addiction, even a couple of mental break downs. Communication is WIDE open. He just has been having mood swings since baby girl was born. We are in a area that we can't trust any one to take over so we can have time to our selves, I try to give him his time when he is off work which is on Friday and saturday(he works 3rd shift) all that translates to no time for myself. I wish I could trust people that live around here, but most in this area are pill heads.
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
My daughters father was like that. He was with me every step of the way when I was pregnant and literally before we left the hospital he changed. Idk why or what happened. We tried to make it work but ended up calling it quits when my daughter was almost a month old. In our situation, it wouldn't work and there was no saving it, long over due to not be together. Sadly he isn't involved with my daughter still and she's over a year now. Have you tried talking to him? And telling him how you feel? Some men just don't understand the impact giving birth has on us mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Adorable. It's gonna take some time to feel more like yourself. But its important to get good "you" time. Something where you're not doing shit for ANYBODY for at least an hour or two. Something that will leave you feeling refreshed to return home. About your man, keep communication. I'm sure he's feeling different too. Maybe getting the burp rag sounds useless. Maybe ask him to bring a hug and a kiss andddd a rag on the way over lol 😝 and when you have spare time ask him if he needs anything too. Always voice what you need simple and clear.
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Take time to yourself. Dont feel guilty about it. I get every saturday to myself. Plan things as a family as well but never interrupt your Saturday.
05.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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