@shorty02, well lucky there is a drive up Starbucks down the st... THEY KNOW ME WELL 😂😂😂😂😂 idk why they do this early morning and screaming bloody murder then we all look bad
@sydneburton2 lmao my daughter literally just threw one cause I took a a pencil away that she was sucking on 🙃 I had to kick her off the bed. It's too early and I haven't had anything either
@shorty02, he is crying over a crayons but his older brother is using it.... mind you it’s like 500009 more of crayons ..... mind you I didn’t have my coffee yet
It depends on why he's throwing a fit. Is it because he's not getting something he wants or is he trying to do something he's not doing so well out? If he's freaking because he wants something you won't let him have or do I'd leave him. If he's struggling with something he can't do on his own I'd calm him down and try to help him through it.
Fit over what? My daughter is going into her tantrums. I let her cry it. Especially if it's something that's stupid that she's crying over. Example... Don't want to drink water.