Downloaded the app Glow, And people there are so rude and uptight. They also have no sense of humor. I have seen people call other people ignorant and uneducated for asking a question that they claim is “obvious” and everyone should know. They have driven people to delete their posts because the comments were uncalled fully rude. And have insulted people for making harmless joke.
Also they gave me hell because I posted about the sugar pregnancy test which I clearly stated me and my husband did it for fun as a JOKE because the idea sound ridiculous and got called stupid for doing it and a girl went crazy because I touched the clumpy sugar with my urine on it 🤦🏻‍♀️😂. I understand a lot of them are pmsing or pregnant but that’s no excuse to be a complete Ahole for people with questions.
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@shyshy2.3, Thought that was a little odd too. Being that some girls post some tmi pictures of themselves on there.

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@shyshy2.3, Thought that was a little odd too. Being that some girls post some tmi pictures of themselves on there.

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@desi720, Exactly. It’s not ignorant to not know something and asking to learn about it. The girl asked about ovulation and they came at her and told her if she doesn’t know something that obvious than she doesn’t need to have kids. I felt so bad.
And I told the girl who came for me for touching the clumpy sugar with the urine she’s in for a surprise if she’s so grossed out of pee because my son and daughter have pissed and pooped on me so many times and taking the pregnancy test you pee on the stick sometimes you end up peeing on your hand by accident. Plus again, No need for the name calling when I clearly stated on the post I didn’t think it was real, Me and my husband did it for fun.

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Not to mention guys are on the app to 😂

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That’s a form of cyber bullying so messed up. That’s why I like this app because people are much more open minded and closer to normal than those other crazy sites where they judge you for everything and make you feel like crap for no reason

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