Jenny Zawadzki
Jenny Zawadzki
Good evening Mamas...I believe my 1 month old has reflux. Does anyone have the same going on with their infant. I googled suggestion and I'm trying them all. Does anyone have any other remedy to help? I would appreciate any and all help! The Dr. Said he may but didn't really off any help. Thanks

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My babe has been a whole new person since i switched to similac
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Enfamil is the WORST btw nomatter which kind.. If u get WIC see if u can get enfamil AR and at most supermarkets u can return milk for milk. So if u return 6cans of enfamil u can get 5 cans and 1 bigger plastic tub of similac sensitive for only 1$ that u have to pay every time u do it. enfamil is poison in my opinion 😷
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes holding baby upright for it is super exhausting its best while feeding and for 30 mins after. try burping over your shoulder but not as soon as baby stops drinking. Give it a few to go down into their tummy before moving baby around. Also u could put a tsp of rice cereal in bottle for every 3 oz for a month then oatmeal after it really helps make the milk not be sooo thin
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
What formula is baby on?
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son has severe Reflux, and had to be rushed to the ER because of it when he was one week old, has been on five different formulas due to Reflux, and at over a month old only weighed just over six pounds. Mind you, he was born at full term (39 weeks and 2 days). Since then, he's almost two months old, healthily growing and rarely spitting up. Can I ask what formula your son is on? My son is now on Enfamil AR, and while it doesn't work for everyone, I suggest giving it a try if the problem is severe. What symptoms of Reflux does he have? There's different solutions for everything, so I can't really advise without knowing. I've learned quite a bit though.
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think I am having same issue with my little one. Does yours spit up/vomit a lot even if you burp him? It is too early to give him any medication. What I do is I breastfeed him in a baby standing position. Also you want to try to burp him for at least 20/30 min after each feeding...I know it sounds very long..Anyway don't worry too much about it because this issue usually resolve on its own when baby's digestive system is mature enough
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have tried gripe water and gas remedy. I didn't know about the patting and circles. I'm definitely gonna try that. Thank you!
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh and also when I burp her, instead of patting her back, I rub in circles instead. The patting can sometimes cause liquid to come up in a more forceful way whereas the rubbing seems to be more gentle... 🤷🏻‍♀️
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Have you tried Gripe Water? It’s done miracles for my girl. Also holding her kind up upright while I’m feeding her & keeping her sitting up for a bit after she is done seems to help her keep it down a bit more!
02.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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