My little boy has been a nightmare getting to sleep in the evenings for a while now.. I’ve tried just about everything I can think of! He won’t settle in his cot! So I let him lay down on my bed with me and he used to drift off, but just recently he really fights it, and he’s also such a fidget I feel like I’m failing as a mum. So many people say to me ( oh he shouldn’t be doing that ) ( he should fall asleep really easily ) ( clearly you aren’t wearing him out enough ). Am I going wrong somewhere ?! To top that off he isn’t sleeping through anymore he always has, but he’s ending up in our bed so often in the middle of the night ( which he never does when he sleeps at grandparents ) I just feel like I’ve gone wrong somewhere 😢.

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@rachaellw, he only naps once a day ( if he decides he wants to ) and it’s not normally any longer than 20/30 mins! I did try moving it earlier on in the day, but he wasn’t interested in that 😂 I think he’s always asking himself up as he’s such a fidget he can’t sit or lay still for longer than a minute! But I think you’re probably right? It’s just one of those things 😂😬 xx
31.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sara-lou86, a few weeks now maybe even a month.. I’ve tried to stop the naps, some days he doesn’t nap at all! Sometimes I think it’s because he is such a fidget that he’s just always waking himself up. I try not to pay attention to what others say, but sometimes I do let it get to me 😬😂
31.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
hey its not your fault, ignore people! I just nod when people give me advice on anything to do with my son now as no one lives with me and knows my son more than me and his dad. Rayhan is a very light sleeper, his naps are never longer than 10 to 15 minutes and he sleeps 8 or 9 hours at night, waking up inbetween, tossing turning. Its hard work for me and must be tiring for him. But I have accepted that is who he is. He sleeps less like his dad and as long as he is happy and healthy overall I can't complain. Every child is different and unique so people can go to hell.
30.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
How long has it been going on for? Even the best sleepers have bad sleep phases. I try to stick to normal routine as much as possible but both of my boys still occassionnally end up in our bed.

First off, stop giving a shite what others think. He's your child sod what anyone else thinks. We're all just trying to get through the day sometimes and guessing this parenting malarki as we go!

There's various things you could try depending on what your happy to do. When Max is going through a 'phase', I put him to bed as normal. I don't make a big fuss, say goodnight & leave. I'll come back every now and then if he's upset to reassure him but don't get him out of the cot. I continue this until he falls asleep. I also do this if he wakes during the night. Day naps could also be a factor. I've had to cut Max's a bit.
30.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
How much does he nap hun? Can you try cutting one out, or make the last one a bit earlier? My sons stopped sleeping through too it’s just one of things that comes with parenthood I think 😏 xxx
30.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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