To any of my cat mommy’s,
Sooooo I am to get both my male and female kitty’s spayed/neutered on the 14. I am noticing the female is in heat and signs are getting more prominent. How can I keep the two from mating before they are to go to the vet?
Yeahhhh 😩 no. Scary scary 😂 they make these awful sounds and attract other cats too. If you keep them both in soft crates and let them out at different times it would be bbest or rotate who stays in the crate. Then if they're spraying, bleeding, trying to sex or what not you'll be safe.
@kambam, lol!!!!! I have never seen cats in heat. I was wondering what all their talking and sound were about and then she’s doing the thing with her legs and butt in the kitty’s!
@girlmom., that’s what I was thinking but that male pees everywhere so I don’t want to put him in my sons or my room. And of the female sprays, same thing! Oh heavens