Trinity Morrison
Trinity Morrison
So y’all I’m a mom of a almost 2 year old and a one month old I’m a stay at home mom I don’t know how to drive yet so I can’t just get out when I want to, my 2 year old is into everything and loves to make messes witch I know is normal for her to do but lately she has been so damn fussy and she just got mad at me and spilled Orange juice on the floor and my one month old won’t let me put her down for 5 mins without crying and she won’t stop wanting to feed of my boobs. So if anyone has been in my shoe plz plz help a mom out over here. I’m so stressed out it’s not even funny. I don’t get out at all so I’m losing my mind being in the house all the time not getting out or anything I have no energy to do anything anymore so plz help me out and tell me what helped y’all though this

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Thank y’all
26.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have a one year olf & a 4 month old . i baby wear my son when i can i also let my one year old play on the balcony or we go to the park which helps my little take a nap .
26.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Do you have something to wear baby?
And she’s feeding on you so much cause she’s trying to make your supply go up- totally normal.
Your 2 year old is only acting out cause she also needs to get out of the house.
Go for a walk. Sit outside, watch her and let her just Adventure around-she’ll most likely get dirty but that’s okay..
I was in your shoes once. It does get a lot easier.
26.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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