ATTENTION: All military wives and women in service how heated and worried are y'all about you or your husband's not getting paid bc of this government shutdown 🤔 bc for one I'm heated as hell ....

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Well, for one the govt is now back up and running. My husband was given furlough papers yesterday and sent home, now he's back at work. Plus, even if govt was still shut down the good thing is all pay is retroactive. It would suck for those that need the check on time, though. My husband plans ahead for these things, so even if an unexpected crisis like that happens, we are covered. I feel for those this BS puts into situations of uncertainty. I have family members in the service who are deployed to the most inhospitable places -- one in the Coast Guard currently in Antartica -- who have to keep working despite a shutdown.
23.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@babydiehl2016 eeeexaaaactlyyyy👏👐 they are the ones that can go a few months with out getting paid not the soldiers nd their families
23.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@babydiehl2016 heck yeah we all have monthly bills including house bill like it better end soon. Bc they take forever to give out back pay 😒
23.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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