@mommywynn, yeah it gets annoying real quick I can’t stand it. So I told my husband that I’m done trying all they getting is a high and bye and that I’ll be praying for them.! I’m over the drama I’m too old for that.!
@mommywynn, I feel you on that. That’s how I felt when I found out cause we’re staying with his parents at the moment he gets hired on next month so we’ll be able to buy our house.! He’s super excited he’s been kissing on my stomach talking to it lol 😆 I’ll be 5 weeks tomorrow see we wasn’t together like that when me and him had Logan so it’s kinda cool so see him act the way he does. But his mom doesn’t like me I’m black he’s white.! I have no problem just respect me like I do you but I’ve just distance myself from her
@iviesha, we said we wanted 3 if we were rich!!🤭🤭 he was just upset we’re not all the way financially set yet! But he’ll get over it. Especially if any more sexing is gonna happen!! Lol jk jk he’s gotten more excited tho and it’s cute to see how he’s acting this time around cause we barely knew each other when we first had KK 🤭 but you know been together ever since...threw all the BS with his family and everything!!
@mommywynn, 😂😂😂😂 right lol I was like holy shh I had to take another one to confirm it 😂😂😂🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ I was like my gosh this the last one cause my son has. Even giving me problems like no tomorrow
@iviesha, girllllll Nick (my hubby) was like you did this on purpose didn’t you? 🤣😂 I was like YEAH! Did all that sexing on my own🙄 let’s not lie here! Pre cum hold the same punch the real shit does 🤣😂🤣😂