Least helpful advice I got while pregnant "Get as much rest as you can" fuck that! Baby girl is 10 weeks today and I am STILL exhausted!! It isn't like you can store up the rest you get while pregnant and pull it out after baby comes....all 'resting' does is get your body used to sitting around or sleeping more which turns into getting bitch because you aren't getting that same amount of sleep after....and not to mention when people tell you 'sleep when baby does' that's another crock of shit, especially if you don't have any help and you got bottles and dishes to wash so you have stuff to eat off of and dinner to cook so you can keep keepin on, and don't get me started on all the other chores that 'can wait' you need clothes to wear, eventually you will run out of onsies for the baby, you will need a clean spot on the floor to lay baby down, basically your house still needs to run and you need to function in that house.

My advice, sleep and rest like normal. Stay healthy, listen to your body but don't go all 'im 8 months pregnant, I'm not supposed to be doing all this stuff'

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I agree 100%
21.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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