Nade 🐻
Nade 🐻
How do you all feel since having had your babies has your friends circle changed and how does it make you feel?

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Thanks that means a lot xx this mummy app kept me going honestly it made such a difference, I made a lovely friend on here and we would txt each other complaining about the waking nights lol, I too put up a strong front mostly because when I did ask for help from family they looked at me like your not the first mum to struggle so I left it. But it was very difficult it put me off having another child ever, crazy world! motherhood is hard enough and then you get left alone. My friends, I contacted them a few times saying lets go out for a coffee or for a walk, drive which we did a lot but no one got back they were all too busy working lol.
19.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
19.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was shocked at how my circle had changed the ones who I thought woukd be there wasbt and vice versa xx
19.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
its not nice at all, I don't understand why friends change when you get pregnant or have a baby. I really needed my friends as I was suffering from PND, my husband was always at work and I have a small family. My mum was working, but at least I know what they are all like and I just came out stronger :)
19.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mmm my circle of friends changed way before I got pregnant...But i have one friend thats stuck with me since school :) I honestly only have her as a friend :)
19.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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