Whenever I go to the bathroom my daughter comes with me. After I'm done using the restroom I'll ask my kid if she has to go potty and she'll jump on the toilet and go potty. When we first started she would just sit there but when she went pee for the first time me and her dad started jumping up and down cheering and she thought it was so cool on how excited we got. After that she goes occasionally.
@krista10 I'm having the same issue with my 2.5 y/o. She's only just started showing interest and sitting on the potty (when I go, of course) without screaming bloody blue murder. I think it's going to be a slow process to get this one fully trained. Be patient. Some kids are just harder to train than others.
She is 2 1/2 doesn't seem to interested. The only time she sits on it is when she is following her older sister.
17.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@krista10, Sometimes it works for my daughter, but not always. I usually just let her sit on it for a bit, or take her diaper off and let her run around while occasionally going to sit on the potty. She actually ended up peeing in it the other night when I tried that. We give her candy as a reward.