I have a friend she had her son and now daughter we use to be soo close when her son was born i gave her nice gift at her shower also at her daughter. Her babys daddy is so bad stole $ from their lids collage fun she. Called me everyday upset and i always was there for her when i had my twin and my daughter she didn't even call or text or send a card i don't care she didn't get me anything i still try and text her for xmas new years and nothing but now her son bday is coming up i get a text pic of a invention of a card for his bday . i text her so sorry cant go becase i have no one to watch my qyr old and twins. That are 4m and i never get any text back i understand shes busy . i need anyone input what u think thanks

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Yeah she doesn't sound like much of a friend. Even if she is busy ( we all understand that) she could at least send a text. Very rude of her to not acknowledge your babies with a gift, ignore you, and then send you an invite to her son's birthday. Definitely sounds like just to get a gift.
31.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes thank u so much its hard seeing that she was only friend because have twins and my little girl hard to get out and do anything im always stuck at the house and its hard
22.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Sounds like she only invited you for the gift. (No offense.) Also sounds like my relationship with my used to be best friend. I cut all ties though, so we don't talk anymore. But if you ever want to talk about it you could always message me!
13.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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