Moms what do u do when u see somethings on ur mans phone u don't like.
Now,I know I should talk to him,but I don't want to make it a big deal.
I don't Evan know if it is a big deal r not,theirs been three other occasions that where questionable,but I just don't know to do.
We don't have trust issues,I just don't know y he hasn't mentioned r said anything that I saw on his phone.
@ariesbabe.x, @db413, okay,I think i will talk to later tonight.
Bc it's kinda bothering me inside and I think he knows that something is bothering me.
And a nother thing what I saw it was a conversation between him and his homie and they where talking a woman. And I read a comment that kinda bother me.
But I don't know who exactly who said the comment.