Okay FTM here my son is due February 9th but probably sooner. My babies father wants to circumsize our son so we are. How long does it take to heal.. what's the process of it? Any other mothers with experience on this. Need help.
@tansuini7 is right. My doctor used two different things to numb it first. I don’t believe he was in pain. It does heal really quickly. Don’t be scared it will be okay. They will also explain to you at the hospital how to take care of it and what to expect. They won’t leave you hanging. Don’t forget to ask questions when they are talking to you about it.
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@briannalacey It's unnecessary to me, it usually desensitizes feeling. I've also read that having the skin helps decrease the risk of certain infections but who knows how accurate that it.
Ughhh thank you it kills my heart to put him in pain but you ladies are so helpful and I appreciate it . It has been stressing me out . @tansuini7
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son got his done the day we were leaving the hospital. It took about a hour or so maybe less, and it took about a week to heal. Vaseline or some type of cream. They gave me cream to put in his diaper so it wouldn’t stick and hurt. It is a little bloody but that’s normal. But like a week it heals and everything is fine. I believe the doctor said that they put numbing stuff on there so he can’t feel it. And she made me feed him before hand so he would sleep. Good luck mama!
It doesn’t take too long to heal, maybe a week or two. Make sure you smother it in vassaline completely every time you change him so it doesn’t get stuck to the diaper.