Jessica Whitaker
Jessica Whitaker
When did y'all start using sippy cups? My little one is 8 months almost 9. And she has no teeth but does eat food. Please DON'T judge her doctor says to let her get used to swallowing food and to work her jaw since she's been having trouble to which we had to see a specialist and thankfully she's better at it. She isn't fond of baby food so we give her easy things like mash potatoes, bread, fries, mashed beans, cheese sticks, crackers, cereal. She may not have teeth but she doesn't give up which is great. We've also bumped her up on juices. Of course I water them down in case and hubby doesn't so she's had a wide variety. Doctor says she's almost there to drink actual milk so we're waiting on that. I'm just wondering when it is time to get her off bottles since she doesn't use them as much as she use to. Her doctor says if we're ready for her to use sippy cups she'll help us guide her to transition but I'm not sure what age is appropriate. And what kind of sippy cups are appropriate for her?

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There's the certain sippy cups at wal mart that have a little weight at the end of straw those worked good for my daughter starting at 7-8months. Cause that one even if she lays down and tilts it like a baby bottle the weight moves to wear the liquid is at. So no matter what position she would put it upwards lile a bottle she got juice. By 9 months she was drinking from regular sippy and straw cups. She prefers the straws though. Now she wants to drink lile grown ups so I got her one where it has no spout nor straw and the only way the liquid comes out is as if she's drinking out of a regialr cup.
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I Got My Son Started On Sippys At 6 Months Using The Nuk Cups Pretty Much Soft Tops Helped Him Catch On Quick
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son didn’t like baby food either I think it was a texture thing. And I just started trying out sippy cups, I would suggest one with a rubber nipple/top to start with I think the brand I use is nubby or something like that
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I always shoot for getting them off bottles and pacis by 1. My daughter kept her bottle til 1 and a half but only first thing in the morning and right before bed. She's 100% off it now.
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
6 months, 360 cup and nuk cups
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
You can start now. They have all different kinds. I think nuk has the step 1, step 2 kind of sippies. My son still can’t get the hang of a sippy lol
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I started my son on them around 7m. I tried the munchkin 360 and after he got the hang of it I hated it so we switched to just a plain soft mouth sippy and now he uses a hard sippy cuz he likes to bite the soft ones 😅 there's also straw types. Just find what works for you.
11.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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