@karleekaylor, 😔😔 Aww I’m so sorry to hear! I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you. That is so hard 😔 But you can’t blame yourself either, all you can do is help her in any ways you can & just be there for her 💗 Do her drs say if there is anything they can do for her?
@myblessing2014 my daughter that is 15 months old has a genetic deletion which may lead to her never walking or talking I'm not sure why I feel guilty I just hate that she has to work 5 times as hard to eat, lift her head to do anything. Being a special needs parent is so hard sometimes
@myblessing2014 we found out at 17 weeks with our amniocentesis. Finally got results back and he is 100 percent healthy nothing came back genetically. I have mixed feelings I feel guilty and overjoyed