@mariagtorresr27, no I formula feed. But I’m pro breastfeeding!!!!💜💜💜 but she wasn’t doing too good on my milk so I decided to put her on formula :( although I wish I was breastfeeding because my son did so good with it and didn’t have problems.
@briimoe, also, do you breastfeed? It helps baby get sleepy at night time. I used to formula feed and breast but now exclusively breast I noticed a change in her sleep pattern
@briimoe, you know what I started to do when she wouldn't sleep through the night? Pop her in her stroller and walk around the house and yard lol in about 10 mins she would be asleep, and I would get a nap in during those harrrrrd sleepless nights
@mariagtorresr27, I really hope my daughter starts sleeping more at night you are so lucky! I get so stressed out when I don’t get sleep and she’s not sleepy 😩 I feel so bad because I feel like I should be strong for her.
My daughter started sleeping trough the night at 2 months and she is 4 months 3 weeks now and still sleeps through the night. My mood has improved since those first few weeks of zombiemom mode