Made it through Maddie's first day of daycare! I think it's crazy how their staffing for infants is 4-1.. what happens if they are all crying/fussy? Thankfully she's only there a few hours for only two days a week. The staff all seem really nice, I just worry that she will be crying and no one will be available to respond to her. She seemed to have fun though
I like how they have an app that alerts you on activity throughout the day and send pictures.. it's comforting to me and my type a personality lol idk if all daycare centers do that know, but I enjoyed being able to see when she naps, her diaper changes, etc
When I worked in the infant class at daycare I loved it! You’d think there would be more crying and whatever at the same time but there rarely ever was. 4-1 is good. I’m sure she will have lots of fun and learn lots