For those who have had inductions how long did it take for you to deliver? I was induced 5 years ago and it took FOREVER! 33 1/2 hours later I had an emergency c section. With my 2nd I went into preterm labor and was able to deliver pretty quickly. Just wondering!

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I was induced at 40w 4d and it took 27 hours :|
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was induced at 37+6 they started pitocin at 12 pm broke my water at 2 pm he was here at 7:06 pm. Only took 7 hours total. I was put into my room at 11:30 am. He's my first so I was surprised it went fast but I was also 3.5 cm dilated and all the way effaced before they started everything. I was only induced because I was starting to get mild preeclampsia out of no where
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
At 38 weeks I was induced and checked into the hospital Friday night around 10pm and didn't have my baby till 7:34am on Sunday morning.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
When i was induced with my first it took 6 hours.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Got induced at 10 had him at 4:30. So pretty quick for me.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@snapferal, omg sounds like my labor with my first! My 2nd was a piece of cake. Went into preterm labor at 31 weeks and they were able to put me off til 32 weeks. They finally stopped all meds and just let me dialate on my own instead of stopping it. I displayed from 4cm to 9cm in like what seemed like in only 1 hour and I was screaming for an epidural bc I was having horrible contractions since 31 weeks with no pain meds. Lol. But it was definitely worth it. My c section was so much harder. Men at so strong right they should have to deliver the babies!!
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I’m 37 weeks they are trying to induce me bc I had a sudden onset of gestational htn. And I’ve been here since Thursday morning at 2 am. They tried oral pills. Put the balloon in and took it out 12 hours later last night. I was 2 cm dilated. No contractions. I was on pitocin today and still no contractions. They just put the cervadil(sp) string in me 2 hours ago. No contractions yet. So they said that there going to leave it in for 12 hours check my cervix after and if it still hasn’t dilated and I’m not contracting there going to schedule a csection for tomorrow night. Btw this is our first child. He’s still moving around a lot. Ugh so crazy! And the balloon thingy sucked bc after they put it in I cramped so crazy. Felt like hell but, didn’t have any contractions. I told the hubby he was delivering the next one lol 😹😹😹
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was induced and it took me about 13 hours to deliver
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Took me less than 10 hours to deliver.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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