Brittany Bradford
Brittany Bradford
So y’all are really the only people I can talk to and not judge me.... so me and the SO had sex about a month ago and he came inside me... yes we know the consequences as I already have a 3 month old. But I’m strictly EBF but today I’ve been feeling nauseous on and off and I’ve had a cold and white discharge... and crampy... but I haven’t had a period so I’m like fuuuuuck... I am not happy w my SO because he came inside me and we fought about it. Bc I’m not ready for another one just yet... I’m getting a test tomorrow. :( but I’m just freaking out

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I do appreciate the responses from y’all! Means a lot
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I know this all guys :( and no I haven’t gotten my period since I gave birth to my son so idk when I’ll get it. I know it’s not a form of birth control... we were both half asleep and didn’t realize what we were doing tbh I didn’t even get to get off bc I was half asleep and so was he. He said he was dreaming I was still pregnant (meaning he was able to cum inside me) so we will see.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I wish you the best. Either way it'll all work out
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@birdknees79 Is right. Breastfeeding is not birth control. That is an old wives tale. Just because you don't have a period when breastfeeding doesn't mean you're not ovulating.
@miniwolfe is also right. Depending on how fertile the man is, pre cum can easily get you pregnant.
Praying for a negative test for you.
30.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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