I coslept with my first and didn't with my second. I love the time I got with my first at night but I love how my second sleeps better it seems and I sleep better.
23.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I’ve been co sleeping since birth and my baby just fine.
22.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
A lot of women choose to do it because they feel like they’re bonding with their child. I however see it as endangerment of a child. There are so many ways to bond with your baby that doesn’t involve you possibly smothering them. I had my daughter in a bassinet near our bed for 6 months before we moved her outside of our bedroom and then we moved her to her bedroom by 9 months. There have been so many cases of mothers suffocating their babies, with all of that information out there telling you how to keep your baby safe.. and this being preventable... I just don’t understand why people take the risk. But that’s me.