You'd have to be severely intoxicated for any of it to go to your baby. Just make sure you feel comfortable enough to hold your babe / not on the verge of falling asleep !
@twinmama8615, as long as you’re not completely wasted, you’re fine. I’ve had three beers and felt fine and still fed my kids.
21.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Absolutely. Beer has the least amount of alcohol typically unless you're an IPA drinker or something. And even then, one beer won't put you over the limit.
They proved the pump and dump thing to be an unnecessary precaution! They compare your breastmilk to pouring a shot of liquor into a swimming pool. The actual risk is making sure you’re not too intoxicated to care for your baby :) have fun!!
@momtothe3rdpower thats too funny 😂😂😂 so like if i feel fine he'll be fine right?
21.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I downloaded the Michigan Univerisity BAC tracking app with my daughter if I had a few that night so I would wake up and feel safe (or not) to feed her.
@badadvicemom Okay Cool. So if i have lets say one beer. Im fine to feed him?
21.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
No pump and dump is a myth. It's also a myth that you can't have a glass of wine and drink. Whatever your BAC is at the time is the alcohol percentage of your BM. If your BAC is .08, your milk is .08% alcohol.