Jessica Alderman
Jessica Alderman
I'm trying really hard to settle my nerves. My daughter is throwing up but it's not like she normally does when she has a virus. I just don't know what to do. Nobody will just be there with me. I'm terrified and I feel like everyone is abandoning me to deal with it on my own. I need support. I'm not talking doing everything because I'm gonna do as much as I can handle but I need someone here with me. Just to talk me through when she starts getting sick. I hate this fear. I'm so terrifed.

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@mommyof1boyy yeah, I'm terrified of vomiting so it's a little hard om me.
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommajessica89, it’s hard to say, if she was laying down it probably driped into her throat and caused her to gag and spit up! I just know that’s what happened to my son and it sure did freak me out!
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof1boyy that's what my mother in law thinks is her problem but she wouldn't be just laying there would she? She has had a cold for a few days now. She didn't cough and then throw up it was just like she spit up
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommajessica89, my son did this the other day too 🤦🏼‍♀️ he held his belly and suddenly threw up than started again and I had to carry him to the bathroom lol and he never did it again. But it was like he had mucus in his throat, he gagged and it came out. Bleckkkk.
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof1boyy I talked to her doctors nurse. She doesn't think it's a stomach virus because she has only throw up twice and neither time was hard or a lot. The first time she threw up it wasn't very much and my husband didn't hear her gag just cough and then cry. The second time she woke up silently gagged and threw up a little bit almost like the amount of spit up. It was almost like she spit up but she gagged. She then passed right because out. She said normally when you have a stomach virus you throw up everything you eat, hard and fast.
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
If you don’t give her food she won’t be throwing anything up besides water and bile, try some crackers or little pieces of bread to soak everything up. If she continues to do it than bring her in, but all they might do is hydrate her and diagnose her with a tummy virus, pedialyte will work too.
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Trial by fire. Let her throw up. Don't give her any water or food. Only give sips of water or Pedialyte after she has not thrown up for an hour to see if she can keep it down. If not, take her to the clinic.
19.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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