Okay ladies I'm stumped. I don't have a clue what's wrong with my hubby and I'm getting worried. Start at about 2 in the morning Thursday morning he threw up and then again at 5. He was pretty much fine, other than general feeling tired, the rest of the day until he ate supper that night and started feeling sick again but never threw up. The next day he ate some tacos and started to feel sick again but didn't throw up or go to the bathroom until yesterday. He went like three times yesterday. Then last night he ate a burger and a tiny bit of taco salad and he just threw up this morning. I don't think it's a stomach virus because normally he throws up a lot more with those so what do y'all think it could be? I'm having a hard time talking him into going to the doctor. He is mostly fine during the the day. I just don't know what's happening and I'm worried. Any clues?