Is it wrong that I don't want to baptize my child? I get the dirtiest looks whenever that topic comes up. I can be real nice or mean about it but no matter what way it goes I get talked about. He is my child and I want to raise him my way. Even his dad gives me looks. He's such a momma's boy that he'll never back me up. He knew the way I was when he met me.

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Not wrong at all he's your baby so it shouldn't matter to others whether you get him baptized or not . My man is Christian and I'm Catholic ..he didn't care to get our kids baptized but I did so I pushed the issue and we got it done!..if your significant other agrees with not doing it then that's all that matters
15.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
No it’s not wrong. My son is 4 and hasn’t been baptized. One major reason is cause I was raised Catholic and hubby Jehovah’s Witness. We are letting him decide when he gets older. People have said their comments but in the end hubby and I decided that that is what’s best. We don’t want to push him in a religion that he’s not going to want to follow.
15.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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