Pamela Clevenger
Pamela Clevenger
I need some advise!! I had a spinal tap done about 3 maybe 3.5 weeks ago. And the area on my back where I had it done, still hurts and the pain is worse now then it was day one, seems to only be getting worse. Is this normal or should I call my Dr about it?

I had went to the hospital with contractions and was 9cm so no time for epidural or anything but afterwards I had some blood clots that needed to be removed witch they gave me a spinal tap for so I would be numb down there and not feel anything. This was on Nov 13th 2017

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Damn lol. I've had the epidural before with my last two and it didn't cause any problems like this. I'm guessing it's normal tho huh? Lol
11.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had the spinal and epidural when I was in labor, my son is two and my back still hurts from it 🤦🏼‍♀️
11.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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