@mrs.a, awe, I’m sorry for your losses love.. I’ve had two miscarriages back in 2012, ad it was the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m still not over it, I never got to grieve properly. I have two boys, love them more than life but, I know that deep in my heart, the two babies I lost were girls... and, when I found out my second son was a boy, the ended disappointment hit hard... especially because my Mother-In-Law, and her family, they favor girls. I’m the only one who has a boy on that side of the family, and nobody comes around for my children...
For some reason, I feel like I can’t get pregnant anymore... I feel like that uterus infection fucked me up, excuse my language and, I am never going to be able to experience to carry a living child inside me again.
I regret ever feeling the way I did about the gender disappointment and I feel like God is punishing me.
@ashnicole3x I don't think it's BMI sometimes our bodies just do weird things. I've never had irregular periods and even after having my son last October they went back to normal. Then in February I had a chemical pregnancy that completely through my cycle off so my doctor started me on Provera and it worked!
@mrs.a, yeah, we have been trying for 3 Months... I had my youngest son 8 months ago... my periods seemed to be regulating up until my second menstrual after my Son was born. The first time I was 8 Days late, the second time I was one day late, then, my periods would just stop coming... or, they’d come but, it would be brown blood spotting and, it would only be one time when I wiped. I ended up getting a uterus infection after my Second Son was born... I thought it was because of that, because up until I had the infection my periods were staring to regulate. My OB/GYN said it’s because I’m way over my BMI which, is bull I think because I have weighed this much since before I had my second son, and I never had issues with my periods, ever.
For some reason, I feel like I can’t get pregnant anymore... I feel like that uterus infection fucked me up, excuse my language and, I am never going to be able to experience to carry a living child inside me again.
I regret ever feeling the way I did about the gender disappointment and I feel like God is punishing me.