@mommy121618 thanks. She's my rainbow in the storm. I stay home and take care of 5 people. On top of cleaning and chasing after my oldest. It's been mental on top of this pregnancy. I don't forsee it getting easier, but I'm happy she is a healthy baby. Especially after dealing with all that. I hope that thing get better for you hun.
I found out I was pregnant a few months my 5 year old was diagnosed with Leukemia. I’ve been stressed to the max. But baby is fine and healthy. My ob does this rating of how “happy” the baby was and she was an 8 out of 8! He said there’s different factors they look for.
@mommabearoftwo kinda same situation I'm in. So I'm working, cleaning, taking care of two kids, running everyone around, and stressing if this one will be preemie too. Also congrats!!
My daughter was. My husband pretty much went my entire pregnancy unemployed, and I dealt with umpteen other issues. We had a healthy baby girl yesterday.
@mommy121618 call your doc if you're really worried. Better to be safe than sorry. Ive had days where the baby is less active but if its been 3 days out could mean something's going on in there. Its better to be checked out and find out everything's ok than to wait too long and it be too late if something is wrong