Ashley Nicole Messick
Ashley Nicole Messick
Any moms developed PCOS after baby? Not sure if I have it but, my doctor prescribed me metroprogrstrone because for the past 3 months I'd have a period but, it wouldn't be a full period. All it would be is, I go to the bathroom, wipe and there will be a smudge of brown blood, and it'd only happen when I wiped and it only happened that one time. I had a Uterus infection about 2-4 weeks after my C-Section, assuming it's because my Husband and I ended up having sex before the Six Week Period... after that, my period became irregular. Unless I was pregnant, I never was late or had issues with my period. I was 8 days late after my infection, then one day late, then my periods just kind of stopped until today, I started after I took the metroprogrestrone pill for 10 days and 5 days AFTER I took my last pill, which is today, I started my period.

Anyone get pregnant after being diagnosed with PCOS? And, has anyone took the pill I was on, and after taking t, your periods started to regulate again?

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I do not have PCOS. At least, I've never been diagnosed with it. If my periods continue to be irregular after this menstrual cycle, I'm sure they'll test me for it. I had a baby 8 months ago and I'm wondering my periods are just irregular because of that. I've been the same weight post baby for awhile and never had issues with my period. I actually had regular periods until I had a uterus infection after my c-section... my periods would come but, I wouldn't consider it a full period. I'd spot and I'd only see the blood when I wiped and it's only happens the one time I wipe but, after I took these pills the doctor gave me, after the tenth dosage, I started my period on he fifth day after my last pill, and it was a full period so, hopefully it regulates now.
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Are they met can help you get your periods regular as if you lose some weight normally if you have PCOS I want you to lose a little bit of weight and it helps out.
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I have pcos and have had two kids and am ttc my thrid and I have also taken that pill and did not have having periods after that but my doctor prescribed me metformin. If you have PCOS your periods are going to be a irregular
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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