Any moms developed PCOS after baby? Not sure if I have it but, my doctor prescribed me metroprogrstrone because for the past 3 months I'd have a period but, it wouldn't be a full period. All it would be is, I go to the bathroom, wipe and there will be a smudge of brown blood, and it'd only happen when I wiped and it only happened that one time. I had a Uterus infection about 2-4 weeks after my C-Section, assuming it's because my Husband and I ended up having sex before the Six Week Period... after that, my period became irregular. Unless I was pregnant, I never was late or had issues with my period. I was 8 days late after my infection, then one day late, then my periods just kind of stopped until today, I started after I took the metroprogrestrone pill for 10 days and 5 days AFTER I took my last pill, which is today, I started my period.
Anyone get pregnant after being diagnosed with PCOS? And, has anyone took the pill I was on, and after taking t, your periods started to regulate again?
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