Reba 💕
Reba 💕
Going on day 4 of no AF & still negative pregnancy tests, even first morning urine. I'm not sure what's going on because my period is always exact, to the date. I have never been late unless I was pregnant. Is there a possibility that I could still be pregnant? Or is my period late being of stressing about wanting to be pregnant?

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@nomli, yeah I actually have my year appt on the 7th, so if no news by then then I definitely will!
28.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hm. I was stressed because my sister was having her baby then and it was a tense situation. And then my fiance looked up that certain cold meds can mess with your cycle (Which is weird but whatever.)

You can always call your doctor and ask if they know a blood test. Some women don't show on the pee sticks for a while
28.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nomli, the only thing I don't understand is that I'm not really stressed about it too much, I mean I want another, but if I'm not right not I'll be fine. The part that is bugging is am I? Or am I not? lol I'm not taking any medication, I actually stopped my lexapro for anxiety about a month 1/2 ago because we wanted to try to another & you can't take that while pregnant.
28.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Maybe. I was late two weeks back in January due to stress and possibly the medication I had been taking as well.
28.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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