So I have not posted on here in a very long time, came close to deleting app because of the all the negativity & un-related mama posts & comments.. . Sorry in advance for such a long post, But i am in need of some desperate answers...
So my handsome son, Bradley had the rotavirus vaccination at his 2-3 month visit... & this past holiday that crap spread like WILDFIRE through our entire fanily of 18 adults on thanksgiving dinner. His father & I went through the worst 24hrs of our life on Saturday to Sunday. My sister was a god send & came and picked him up at 8am that morning. Kept him all day long, but said she started feeling queezy so around 8pm we went & picked him up. At that point i didnt have much energy to disinfect the house completly. So i did what i could be4 bringing him home.
-Changed out our bed sheet & his bedding.
-Changed our clothing & washed surfaces that were easy to wipe down.
-Covered all the couch area he may lay on.
** i slept with a mask on all night & we kept as much distance as we could overnight. **
Following day I did full bleaching of all areas in the kitchen, bathroom, washed all bedding & clothes wore the day of thanksgiving & the day of being sick. Machine washed all his carseat & anything that may have come in contact with the virus. .. & lysoled all i could manage to disinfect. From his toes to light switches & door knobs.
** Anyone who knows about the virus & has facts on the circumstances, is it possible for his to still catch it?! ** how much does the vaccine protect him from it.
I finally will be returning to work tomorrow after 6 months, & would hate to have to take off wheb starting a new job but if its for him & his health 100% I would. ..
Really appreciate anyone who has read this far & taken the time to respond. This evening will be coming up on 48hrs from last vomit, where they say is the incubating period.
@eaj8290 thank you very much for your response. Sorry for delayed answers. Life's just so busy now a days Lol. But yes i am going to count my blessings on this one & say hes in the clear. & will be sure to get this vaccine every year for our whole family
29.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Possible? Yes. Likely? No. Typically vaccines take 3 weeks to kick in, so he's good there. Considering everyone else has already shown symptoms and he's still in the clear is a really amazing sign.