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👑💖 Birth Story👑💖

Monday(11/13) I went to my weekly ob appointment where I had my last ultrasound and my last cervical cervix was only dilated 1cm 😏 I talked with my doctor and we agreed that I would come into the hospital Sunday night(11/19) at midnight(so technically 11/20) to be induced. Fast Foward⏩Wednesday started out as any other day..I felt no different. My son and I played all day, I talked on the phone for a while to my friend, did some laundry, fixed dinner, and then ended the day watching The blacklist on the couch with my honey💛 completely normal day. We went to bed around 10 or so, and at about 12:30 I woke up with stomach cramps. I didnt think much of it because they seriously just felt like shit pains I get up go to the bathroom, do the deed(tmi, sorry!) Felt better and headed back to bed. Well, about an hour later I started having the same pains, so again I got up and went to the bathroom, but this time when I was walking back to the bedroom I had to stop and take a break on the couch because I had a pain that took my breath away. While on the couch I resort to Google 😂 now before y'all go judging just keep in mind I have never had contractions before so I had no idea what was happening..I was induced with my son and by the time I had a contraction that I could feel, I had the epidural..I was a complete chicken lol. Anyway, Google said to time my contractions so I did..they were inconsistent..some were 10 minutes apart and some were as close as 7 so I thought they were Braxton hicks. I decided that maybe if I took a shower I would feel better. I got out of the shower and it was around 2:30 at this point and it was time for my hubby to get up for work so I went in to wake him up. He wakes up and looks at me with the towel still on my head and says "wth are you doing taking a shower at 2:00 in the morning?" I told him about my contractions and he told me to call the hospital, so I did. The nurse in L&D told me that I was just in early labour and to wait until my contractions were 3 to 5 minutes apart. So with my contractions still being 7-8 minutes apart I told my hubby to go ahead and go to work and I would call if anything changed. I got a glass of water and layed down in bed. Hubby was gone maybe 30 minutes and I called him to turn around, I couldnt take it anymore. He got home around 4:45 and his mom got here shortly after to watch our son. We arrived at the hospital and got upstairs at around 5:50. They did the usual routine of having me go the bathroom and pee and get undressed, meanwhile they were calling my doctor to let him know I was there. I lay down and she puts the bands on my stomach and checks my cervix and I was 8 cm dilated! 😮 they call my doctor back to tell him to get there asap! By this point, the contractions were pretty much unbearable and I'm pretty sure I had cut off all circulation to my hubbys hand I was squeezing so hard lol. They couldnt get me an epidural because there wasnt enough time to get bloodwork done and back in time, and I couldn't have any pain medicine because it would have made the baby too groggy. Needless to say, I was scared shirtless by this point! I mean I woke up thinking I had to use the bathroom and now here I am a couple of hours later having a baby all natural! My doctor gets there and checks me, I was 9cm so he went ahead and broke my water. He stood outside the door while they got everything ready..before they could finish I told them I needed to push! This one nurse insisted I was wrong and told me to just breathe! Well, another nurse comes over and checks me and sure enough it was time! 😁 My doctor comes in and the next contraction that came I pushed. 3 pushes and Ainsley Grace made her arrival at 6:35. She was 7 lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. I was 38 weeks and 4 days 😊 It was such a crazy experience but a beautiful one! We are so in love with our little girl and her big brother is too, even though he's still adjusting! 😊

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@sgarland21 your comment cracked me up 😂😂 I completely agree with you though!!
27.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@pclevenger22 oh my gosh, that's crazy! I'm with you on the asking questions bit! That nurse just kept on and kept on with the questions and by the time she got to the question "do you feel suicidal?" I really wanted to look and her and say "no, but I could start feeling homicidal if you don't shut up and get this kid out of me" 😂 they even had me signing paperwork while they were putting me in the sterups. The contractions were the worst part for me honestly. Once she was out I felt so relieved! The stitches definitely didn't feel good though lol. I really wish my water would have broken on its own, if I was going to go natural like that I wish I would have gotten the full out lifetime movie experience 😂 the recovery this time has been so much smoother for me too, and I loved being able to get up and walk right after because even though I wasn't in that bed was long enough for me lol. Its crazy to hear someone have such a similar story! All the nurses at my hospital said that was the fastest delivery and discharge that have seen.
27.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sorry that shit traumatized me 😂😂😂😂 lmfao. I definitely wasn't expecting it. My mom always wanted at least one of her kids to have their kids natural bc she had all 5 of hers natural, so guess she got what she wanted lol after I had him my exact words were "ANYONE WHO WANTS TO HAVE. A BABY NATURAL IS FUCKING INSANE!!" Lmao but I'm actually glad I got to experience it, it's painful but it's nice knowing when to push on ur own an shit. And sorry to blow ur stuff up just blew my mind we had the same experience lmao
26.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Same thing happened to me!! Lol. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I never feel contractions enough to really even know what they are, even though this was my 3rd baby. I had bowel movement pains and used the bathroom, took a bath, and the pains became so bad my fiance took one look at me an was like okay come on let's go to the hospital, we got their in 15 mins and they wanted to do the usual, asking Q's, and I was like "I'm in too much pain quit asking me Q's right now" and the nurse was like "calm down" and I said "Calm down? No, you need to check me now!" And they kept telling me to calm down and continued asking their Q's for the paper work and I started getting really aggravated with em while being in terrible pain, finally they check me after about 10 mins (witch felt like hours lol!) Dr said "oh god, yeah, she's at 9 1/2" and they rushed me to the delivery room and was trying to get everything set up, my IV, but unfortunately I was too far to have an epidural, obviously lol, the nurse told me don't push, I completely ignored her and my water broke then they all come rushing over an by 3:10am my son was here lol. (we got to the hospital around 2:30/2:40) felt like forever but happened extremely quick lol. That pain is SO painful lol!! Then I was loosing too much blood, had a blood clot blocking my cervix, had to be rushed to the operating room to have em removed, they gave me a spinal tap and during this I passed out due to all the blood I was loosing, not to mention my arms, both arms were terrible looking, I had poke marks everywhere and a huge ass bruise and was bloody as hell. I literally looked and felt like I had been bit by a train, an had to have a blood transfusion (witch I was really disgusted about, don't ask me why, idk, just the thought of it made me sick, but after all that, plus the thought of blood even my own blood sickens me bc I've always had a bleeding problem and am just so sick of seeing blood lol . Really think I was mostly sick of everything that was going on, I was ready to fkn rest lol.) Needless to say, my fiance looked at me with tears in his eyes an said "no more kids, I can't handle seeing you in that much pain " lol. I was really thinking they were gonna send me home, I didn't feel at all like it was time, until I actually got there but I definitely wasn't expecting ALL that!! Lol my first two I had an epidural, my water broke with the first, I was induced at my appointment with the second bc when I went in I was 4 cm dilated lol. But no troubles after wards, easy quick healing and all, with baby 3, it was hell lol. But he was an still is fine and that's all that matters! Lol
26.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@scarapella1 thank you!!
26.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Great story and congrats!!!
26.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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