melanie snyder
melanie snyder
Should I let other people getting pregnant effect my baby planning? I was pregnant with my 2 sisters last year, and now another one of my sisters is pregnant. Were thinking about trying next year BUT another one of my sisters is planning next year AND my sil is too!!! Should I just wait til everyone else pops them out?! I really want my girl to have a sibling!

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I would wait so all the attentiom would b on ur bby ☺💚
26.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My advice would be no.. don’t wait. If you feel you are ready for another baby financially, physically and emotionally, try for another baby when YOU want to. Don’t put off what you want because of the people surrounding you having kids too. That’s just my opinion though. 😊
25.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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