Am I the only mom sick and tired of being the only one to wake up at night with a crying baby?
Dad thinks it’s only my job.
Or did I just pick a selfish/lazy one?!

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It took 2 to make the baby, it's not only your job. When my husband gets home I ask him to change the kids diapers or make me a bottle for them. He even helps put them to sleep or cooks dinner. Like tonight he told me to go to bed because it's 4am and the baby would not sleep, so he's taking care if him. He's been up with me since 1am. It just takes communication, tell him it would be nice if he helped you some times. I don't expect him to help all of the time especially when he works but he helps before he goes to bed.
24.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@chefsurahh ok so then talk and compromise if he will, on the days you work, he gets up, and when he works, you do!
24.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@shannonmallory93, he works week days I work weekends (26 HRs in 2 days)
24.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Only i get up at night. If he's off work the next day I ask him sometimes but I can get her back to sleep before he even gets out of bed lol and only reason I ask now is because I'm so pregnant that it hurts to get up. He helps when I've tried everything and she just won't sleep because he knows I get frustrated and cry due to pregnancy hormones lol
24.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Does he work everyday?
24.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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