Nicole Frederiksen
Nicole Frederiksen
I exclusively breastfeed but I'm worried she's not getting enough. How do you know when to start supplementing?

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When you aren't getting any sleep and the baby is on your boob at all times that's when I would consider supplementing. You don't have to prove anything by continuing to breast feed. You're not a bad mom if you supplement and your baby will be fine no matter what. So whatever you do choose make sure its what YOU really want.
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My kids are both on the skinny side also... my second has chubby cheeks, but the rest of her is smaller than most babies her age... she let me know when she was not getting enough, I started working a part time job, and she started getting angry after feedings, and seemed to always want more... my job is very physical, so I think I was not taking in enough calories to keep up with my supply... so we had to start supplementing... and now she is gaining again, and satisfied! The day after I work my supply suffers a little, but the other days I almost don’t have to supplement!
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nickee, oh I totally get it. I stopped breastfeeding around three months with my first because I was so exhausted and stressed. Just wish I would have had more support and knowledge back then!
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ecahanes Thank you for the reassurance. I just worry about her a lot lol being a ftm and all I just want to do good by her.
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nickee, if she was would know. but my first was small. Never chunky even when I switched to formula. Some babies are just small. I'm sure she is just fine momma 👍🏻😀
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ecahanes She just looks really skinny and it worries me. All the other babies I see that her age are really chunky and she's more on the skinny side.. she has an appt soon so they'll see if she's gaining or losing.. I just don't want her to be going hungry
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Supplement with vitamin D and calcium
We just went through this in class. I can send you some more info if you would like.
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My four month old who is huge only drinks 4 ounces. Your breast milk calories and fat adjust to what your baby needs so they don't need to drink much like formula babies. Wish I would have known more about breastfeeding with my first
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Is she gaining weight and having wet diapers?
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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