Kayla Berg
Kayla Berg
Birth Story: On the 20th, I got my membranes swept at 430 pm. I started having a few cramps, but nothing big. We went to bed, and then morning time came (545am). I was having a few more braxton hicks that became uncomfortable, but they werent unbearable. I couldnt go back to sleep, so i made some waffles, fed our daughter, then her and I just relaxed for the day. The contractions were starting to really get painful, but they were VERY inconsistant. Im talking like every 5 minutes, to 15-20 mins. I thought maybe it was false labor! So my SO gets off work (430 pm) and we start getting ready for my brothers party that was suppose to be at 630 pm. We get in the car at 500 pm to drop off our daughter at my MILs house. Something just didnt feel right while we were driving. Contractions were getting stronger and more frequent (about 5 to 10 minutes apart). We stop at mcdonalds to eat, and I have this feeling I just needed to call L&d to see if maybe they could just check me. We get the green light to go to l&d. We check in (630 pm) and wait for the midwife to get to the hospital. Literally 5 minutes before she made it to the hospital, I started contracting every 3 mins like HARD CORE. She checks me (700pm) and says "Holy cow!! You are 9.5 cm dilated! He is coming NOW" As she says this, I felt so much pressure and BOOM, my water breaks EVERYWHERE. All of a sudden nurses come running in, im on all fours pushing my son out. Holy crap did it hurt. I was screaming and bitting my SO. I kept saying "I CANT DO THIS". After only arriving at the hospital at 630 pm, we had out son less than an hour later At 7:21 pm, our son was born. 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. He is perfect ❤ I wouldnt want that birth any other way!

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22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Congrats mama💙
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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