Been having cramps all night felt wet so went to the loo seen light pink watery fluid so I’ve got it a pad on still cramping what’s your thoughts? Bloody show mucas plug or am waters Also I’m booked in for a sweep today should I cancel it or still go ?
So I went in and they said it’s my show I’m 2cm and soft and stretchy was Ger words the cramps are all a good sign.... I’m home now and they said if baby doesn’t arrive on it’s own tonight I’ll get started tomorrow morning xoxoxoxo
@natalie2255, I’ve to go In just now not felt baby move much either she said it could be labour that’s why am no feeling baby and that could be my bloody show or waters x
Have you called the midwife centre? x they could answer your questions and concerns x and I agree with @natalie2255, x you should definitely still go x