Being induced in the morning at 40 weeks. Baby is big and I'm 1-2cms dilated. Can anyone tell me how long their induction took to start labour. I don't want to be sent home
@jillandbaby my hospital didnt let me leave. We just walked around for hours! It was a long wait but a quick labour as my daughter was born at 2:42am! My other induction ended up as an emergency csection due to complications with my medication (nothing to do with the induction dont worry!)
@kayteamay, hello! My hospital made me watch a video where it said if you havnt had anything happen they may send you home. This is with the first 24 hr pessary. Which worried me. Your first one was a long haul.
You wont be sent home. Once the induction is done you have to stay in the hospital. I had my first induction at 10am and went into labour at 2 the next morning. With my third baby i was induced at 12pm and went into labour at about 10 pm