I’m 40 weeks on Tuesday.... got my midwife that day too... have an app at hospital for 41 weeks what happens at this app do they induce you or is it a chat about what will happen next... i have read online that anytime after the 41 weeks there’s more chance of still birth and I’m so so stressed about this after loosing a baby at 17 weeks before I mentally couldn’t cope with loosing another baby.

also wondered if I said I had reduced movements this far on would they induce me or would they just monitor me ?

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@louise.leitchman that's good! Good luck! Xx
19.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@genieh, I just messaged a girl I know who works on the ward she said they should induce me with my concerns and stressed but I’ll speak to my midwife on Tuesday and see what she says to me xxx
19.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@louise.leitchman yeah I was really sore too at the end it's hard! There's no harm in asking- I had a growth scan at 39+1 and asked for a sweep and the midwife tried but couldn't because I wasn't dilated at all! I had no warning signs at all! My waters just went and that was it so you never know! Xx
19.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@genieh, I’m trying the walking bit a get so sore .... and the sex that creeps me out but I am going to ask on Tuesday at my app if I haven’t went by then don’t think I will have though have all the signs for around two weeks of pre labour but nothing solid yet xoxoxoxo
19.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't know the answers but you should mention your concerns and ask if they'd induce you sooner if you've not gone into labour yourself by then. Long walks and sex!!🙈 xx
19.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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