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39 weeks + 1

Would you say I have dropped I can see it In previous photos but this one I can see so much more....

Plus back ache. Cramps ... tightening .... the runs ... nauseas .... and insomnia...... a want this baby here now..... what’s your best tips apart from sex.....

Just got on my knees and scrubbed my floors....

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@louise.leitchman that's what i dread people constantly asking "is he here yet" should just say does it look baby is here!!😂😂 I don't want to go over either but I have a feeling I'm going to.. me and partner are late for everything so it's only right baby follows our footsteps 😂, that's a good sign though sounds like it shouldn't be long for you 😀 xx
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@natalie.louise89, awww I know I’ve been trying every thing just couldn’t think of going over lol I’m sick of people
Asking if baby is here every day... my mucas plug has been coming away today so hopefully not long xoxoxoxo
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I've heard of having spicy food and pineapple, or bouncing on a ball, long walks but then again people say none of it works lol and baby comes when it's ready unfortunately 👍
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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