Dying of excitement over here just got a text from my midwife saying did I get the email. Silly me been to busy to check and look we're having a baby girl.
@d0iinjusfiin3, that's kinda strange but I guess everywhere does things different. Yes your dr is the one who will read you your results so they are the ones who usually give out brochures all about what tests they offer. That's how mine has always been and I'm not seeing a dr this time I have a midwife but with my son I had an OB and she did as well. Maybe ask them for more info best of luck girl hope u get your results soon
@d0iinjusfiin3, o okay well I really think it all depends on the lab maybe call and ask what the lab is they should have given u some kind of paperwork
@txyogagirl same here lol I tested Monday almost fainted and everything 😂. They also gave me an ultrasound but it's legs were closed 😔 it's never happened with my 2 boys lol.
@d0iinjusfiin3, thank u yes it was I actually had to test twice which kinda sucked I did panaroma and it says allow 10business days but my first test was done at 10w4d and they couldn't get enough DNA so my second test was done last Tuesday and it came back today. With my son I did progenity and was told 14days and it came back in like 5 so it really just depends on the labs workload @4littlehulbuttas, thank u
@babydiehl2016, thank u we're so excited had to wake hubby up half asleep lol. yes she text me almost daily she is awesome. The official email was sent too but I didn't check it oops.