I was about 3-4 and they were bad period cramps. At 6 I asked for the epidural. Contractions slowed bc of it. Took 12 hours to get from a 6 to a 10. They had to induce me at that point.
We rotated and changed positions and I pushed on and off for 3 hours. She got stuck, they cut me and I still tore. 42 hours of labor
I was about 3-4 and they were bad period cramps. At 6 I asked for the epidural. Contractions slowed bc of it. Took 12 hours to get from a 6 to a 10. They had to induce me at that point.
We rotated and changed positions and I pushed on and off for 3 hours. She got stuck, they cut me and I still tore. 42 hours of labor
Hang in there!